Halloween . . . already?
I’m finally
able to cross off all the back to school chores. School supplies and clothes purchased. Check.
Orientations attended. Check. Paperwork filled out and turned in. Check.
School fees paid. Check. It’s time to sit back and relax. That’s when my 10-year-old starts talking
about Halloween. What are our
plans? What should he be for Halloween? Will there be any parties? That’s when I realized Halloween will be here
before we know it. As I chatted about
Halloween with my excited son, I was inspired to sketch a Halloween picture . .
. . a witch throwing a fireball. The
witch was quick and simple. That small
fireball was my struggle. I’ve never
drawn fire before and didn’t realize how difficult it is to make a drawing resemble
fire without using color. After many erasures
I still wasn’t happy. That’s when I
decided to adopt my teenage son’s adage:
Good ‘Nuff. So here’s my sketch
entitled: Flying Witch with a Good ‘Nuff
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