Thursday, November 19, 2015

What the heck?

I came home from running errands this morning with only one dog greeting me at the door.  My Chihuahua, Ellie, was M.I.A.  For most dogs, this is no big deal, but little Ellie is as naughty as the day is long.  I quickly searched the house and found her asleep in my bed, all tucked in and cozy.  Now it looks like someone tucked her in, but no, she did that all on her own.  She sleeps in her own kennel, but apparently when nobody is home, she follows her own agenda.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Assemblage Sculptures for Linus Galleries

I created two assemblage pieces for Linus Galleries in California.  This sculpture is a tribute to the 1953 horror movie, “House of Wax,” starring Vincent Price.  I have memories of watching this movie with my mom and sister.  I sat on the edge of the couch, scared speechless.  I’m now a big fan of vintage horror films that use suspense to scare, rather than a bloody chainsaw.  Anyway, I made the shadow box using cardboard and paper mache.  It was a challenging task as it took a lot of time building the box up from a basic shoe box.   The sections of the shadow box feature elements of the movie. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Craft Fair Tip

I’m getting ready for December craft fairs and wanted to share a tip.  You’ll find “what to bring” lists everywhere on the internet, even on Pinterest.  I won’t add to the many lists, but rather give you a tip to add a folding chair to your list.  At my first craft fair, I learned that getting a table doesn’t ensure a chair comes with it.  My event was at an elementary school and there were no chairs at my table.  I noticed that the veteran crafters were sitting in chairs.  I asked them where the chairs came from.  These women had all brought their own.  As I said, they were experienced and knew what they were doing.  I did find the chairs in a room off the gym, but unfortunately the door was locked. . . . and the person who had the key was gone for the night.  Fortunately I live close to home and my husband was able to bring me a chair.  So my tip:  If you have one, bring a folding chair for you and possibly one for your customers who need to sit down for a few minutes. 

I rather like this Terai Folding Chair.  Looks much cozier than my cold, metal one.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Book Review: The Salvage Studio

I was browsing the shelves of my local library and found the book, The Salvage Studio, by Amy Duncan, Beth Evens-Ramos, and Lisa Hilderbrand.  This book is filled with great ideas and directions on how to create rustic home décor out of things you already own (often known as junk).  And if you don’t have a particular item you need, you can purchase it fairly cheap at a Goodwill Store.  This is the perfect book to flip through while relaxing in front of the TV.  Although I will warn you, It’s also the kind of book that makes your brain start racing and thinking “what can I do with my junk?”  You may find yourself in your garage digging through boxes of stored possessions to see what you can make. 
One of my favorite items is the caddy made from a fireplace tool holder and glass ceiling domes.  Throw in a couple of chandelier crystals for embellishment, some wire and Voilà, the perfect silverware holder for your next party.  It does look fabulous for a party and I can think of a hundred ways I could use it daily to organize art supplies.  I’d probably fill the domes with colored or pastel pencils.  But wait . . . there’s room for both.  I actually have a fireplace holder out in my garage.  I wonder if I have any glass ceiling domes as well.